Friday, April 27, 2012

 A Bike Ride Through @22

The area of 22@ in Barcelona is a wonderful compliment to both the old gothic city, and the slightly newer example district. Modern buildings dominate the skyline and create a truly dynamic contrast to the rest of the city. As in most modern buildings, the qualities of transparency and translucency pose both an aesthetic and a functional problem that the architects have all solved in different and unique ways. One unique solution we saw was in media-TIC. Large triangular forms create a buffer for solar gain as they can inflate or deflate throughout the day. However in other areas of the façade these forms disappear and only glass remains. Unfortunately we were not able to go inside the building so I am curious to know how much transparency occurs through these triangular forms. I am also curious to know what occurs in program behind the areas in the façade in which there is only glass. I would like to know why it is those specific places where a clearer view is achieved. One spot is right above the entry, which makes sense as a way to denote the entrance, however another spot is on the top floors which may provide a clear view to the beach, but I am just speculating. Another completely different approach to facades is that of Illa de la Llum, the apartment complex on the beach. The difference in program, I believe, is the reason for such contrast in facades. Here, because of the individual units, there appear to be moveable screens which can act to block out the sun. Because of this, the façade never appears the same as screens are moved back and forth. I would love to see inside one of these units and see what the views look like even when the screen is in place. I personally don’t love the façade from a distance, the colors seem dark and bland compared to the vibrant beach that it faces, however when closer up it starts to appear much more beautiful. I also would think that this is the much more functional of the two projects, however I cannot be certain having not been inside either.

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